Tuesday, June 28, 2005

The Evil Co-Worker: Volume II

I have another blog where I talk about my resolve to get healthy. This is NOT that blog. Let's just say that my lunch break walks have become a very important part of my regime to get healthy.
Evil Co-Worker: "I'm walking with you girls today."
Me: "Um, what?"
Evil Co-Worker: "I'm walking! Give me a ponytale."
Me: "Sorry - I don't have an extra. Can you use a rubber band?"
Evil Co-Worker: "Well, then give me one of your bottled waters."
Me: "Sorry - I don't have an extra."
e-mails Walking Buddy in next cubicle "WTF?????????"
Walking Buddy: "I invited her. That's okay, right?"

Walking Buddy is very good friends with Evil Co-Worker. I should have seen it coming. I feign headache and stay put.

Heard as Evil Co-Worker and (former) Walking Buddy are leaving:
(former)Walking Buddy: "You're going to get hot in that sweater."
Evil Co-Worker: "What am I supposed to do? I'm not bringing a change of clothes like SHE (meaning me) does! That's weird."
Walking Buddy: "Okay, but it's 1.4 miles, outdoors."
Evil Co-Worker: "We'll see about that. I'm in charge now."