Friday, January 13, 2006

Ideas? Anyone? Buehler? Buehler?

*If you're looking for my HNT, scroll down*

Okay -- it's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay past my bedtime.

I just got home from classes a few minutes ago. After kissing the kids (who weren't in bed but should have been), then really kissing the hubby (who was it bed but I wish he wasn't), heating up some cold pizza (that once was probably good but now tastes like rubber), and cracking open a cold Heineken (which would have been easier if I'd found my can-opener, which I didn't), it's now 11:13pm. I have to get up for work in about seven hours.


So, I'm making an executive decision to suspend Wise, Funky Bloggers until this semester is over. There's no way I can put that together on Thursday nights with my crazy schedule. Sure, I could throw it together, but these Wise, Funky Bloggers deserve so much better than haphazard shit with a link attached.

I'm interested in finding out what YOU would like to see from me on Fridays. Now don't get crazy -- it's got to be relatively painless.

In the meantime, I'll just tell you that the darkroom IS about as close to heaven as one can get.

And no, I didn't even get to first base with my professor.

I'm really a good girl at heart. I really am. Stop laughing.

This is Funky, and that is all.