Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Copy Cat!!

Me... I'm the copycat...

I work in hell... I've complained before, and I'll no doubt complain for the rest of my life about this well-paying job that keeps me in a hamster cage all day spinning my little wheel for some very unpleasant individuals. I had a chance to get out once - I nailed a great interview for a wonderful office with seemingly lovely co-workers, but I turned it down. The pay scale was a bit low and there wasn't enough incentive to leave my cage-mate, PC. She is a great gal... she keeps me grounded and at the same time throws me from a cliff when necessary. PC landed a sweet job working for the county back in November. We sniffed our farewells and I continued in my cage alone while she went to hamster nirvana.

A few weeks back PC gave me an application for a job opening in the same building. It's a county job, and the pay scale is a good six grand more than I make now, and the benefits are better with less contribution on my part. So I faxed the application yesterday and they called today. My interview is Monday morning at 9:30am.

So while you're all sending Scotty your positive energy, I humbly BEG you to send some my way as well. This is my chance to get out of the hamster cage and move on with my life.

Gratis in advance, y'all...

Oh, and while I'm at it, WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH BLOGGER???? I can't comment for shit! I've been to all your blogs, and unless you have Haloscan, you don't know I came by because FUCKING BLOGGER WON'T LET ME RING THE DAMNED DOORBELL!!! I'll try again tomorrow....sigh...